Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster™
The Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster ™ workshop will guide you through mind/body techniques and other steps to help you to prepare for your surgery and recovery – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This technique was developed by Peggy Huddleston and teaches participants to take part in their own healing. It has been researched and proven to help reduce the experience of pain and nausea, and reduce recovery time. This program has helped many patients:
- Feel calmer before surgery
- Strengthen your immune system
- Experience less pain after surgery
- Use 23-50% less pain medication
- Decrease your recovery time
The Workshop includes approximately one hour of training for you and a support person, a copy of the book, Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster and it’s companion Relaxation/Healing CD.
There are five steps to this process which will be thoroughly reviewed and discussed during the workshop. You will be given personalized instructions to make the most of your program including how often to use the CD for relaxation before and after your procedure, the best ways to use specific imagery and affirmations, and instructions for your healthcare team to help you stay calm and relaxed on surgery day.
Five Steps to Prepare for Surgery:
- Calm preoperative jitters guided by the Relaxation CD. Feeling peaceful strengthens your immune system and creates the biochemistry that enhances healing.
- Visualize your recovery by turning worries into healing imagery.
- Surround yourself in the love of family and friends to feel calmer before surgery.
- Use “Healing Statements,” words spoken during surgery that reduce the use of anesthesia and pain medication.
- Establish supportive doctor-patient relationships.
Ideally you will read the book and use the CD twice a day for one or two weeks before your operation. The good news is if you only have a day before surgery, you can still benefit.
- Private sessions are available for yourself and a support person, conducted either in person or on the phone
- Group workshops available upon request
The following is a short, 2 1/2 minute video of how patients, nurses, and doctors teamed up to make surgery easier for all of them:
To schedule your one-hour Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster™ workshop, or for a free, no-obligation consultation contact Sue.
You can also visit for additional information on the program including research, testimonials from doctors and patients, and suggestions for other ways to use the program for daily well-being.
“I recommend Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster to all who require surgery and want to recover faster.”
Andrew T. Weil, M.D.
Author, Spontaneous Healing
Director, Program in Integrative Medicine
College of Medicine, University of Arizona
“Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster and its Relaxation CD should be in the hands of everyone having surgery.”
From the foreword by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Past President, American Holistic Medical Association
Surgeon and Author, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
“Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster empowers patients to lead the way to recovery by allowing them to take their appropriate place on the surgical team.”
Mehmet C. Oz, M.D.
Cardiac Surgeon & Host of the Dr. Oz Show
Professor of Surgery, Columbia University
College of Physicians & Surgeons, New York, NY
“Patients with unusually high levels of anxiety use Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster to go forward with surgery in a confident manner.”
Lawrence H. Cohn, M.D.
Professor of Cardiac Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Former Chief of Cardiac Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital